Rules of Behavior » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Student success is directly related to attendance. Parents are encouraged to plan vacations and appointments in coordination with the school calendar.
Students arriving late to school must report to the Grade Level House Office for an admit slip.
If a student is absent from school, a parent or guardian must call the Grade Level House Office to inform the school about the absence. Upon return from absence, an absence note signed by the parent or guardian must be presented to the Grade/House Office. Notes that contain explanations of illness or unavoidable medical or dental appointments will result in the only excused absences for a student. Absences become truancies if they are not cleared within three days after a student returns to school. Truancies will result in assignment to Saturday detention, after school detentions, and other consequences that will be dependent upon the nature of and frequency of the truancy.
If a student must leave school early for any reason, the student must take a note to the Grade Level House Office before school stating the date, time and purpose for leaving school. The student will receive a note from the Grade Level House Office allowing him/her to leave class at the appropriate time to come to the house office meet the parent. The student will then be checked out to a parent or guardian and not to older siblings or friends. Upon returning to school, the student must return to the House Office for clearance back to class.