Culmination Information for Families
If your child is culminating, please adhere to the following guidelines:
DATE: Friday, June 7, 2024
TIME: 8:00 AM (Gates open at 7:30 AM) All guests will enter through the Main Entrance (Gate 4)
PLACE: Richard E. Byrd Middle School North PE Field
PARKING: Limited parking is available in the Poly Freshman Center (8601 Arleta Ave) and Poly Arleta North Parking Lot (closest to the baseball field on Arleta). Please carpool if possible.
TICKETS ARE REQUIRED: Each culminating student will be given four tickets during rehearsal on June 6th. All guests (2 years and older) must have a ticket and be seated throughout the ceremony. No standing room allowed.
SPECIAL SALUTATIONS: Please be respectful. All attendees should be able to see and hear the ceremony. Balloons, balloon bouquets, noise makers, air horns, etc. are not permitted.
Wear business casual attire which includes: dresses, suits, or dress slacks with a dress shirt/skirt. No denim, sweats, pajama bottoms please. No strapless dresses without a cover-up/sweater. Heels are permitted. However, keep in mind the event is on the lawn.
CULMINATION DAY and LINING UP: All culminating students must report to GATE 1 at 7:30 AM on Friday, June 7, 2024. Students should be dressed and ready to go with no items in their hands. No cell phones, no cameras, no backpacks, no balloons will be allowed on the PE field during the culmination ceremony. These items will be confiscated until the end of the ceremony.
CULMINATION REHEARSALS: Culminating students will participate in rehearsals on Thursday, June 6th during the school day.
UNCLEARED OBLIGATIONS: Students with uncleared obligations (e.g. Chromebooks, lost library books, fines, lost textbooks, etc.) will not receive the culmination certificate until they clear their obligation. Please note that obligations may exist from 6th and/or 7th grade. Students should check the list in the library and clear any obligations as soon as possible. For debt clearance purposes, cash or money order are the only accepted means of payment. Debts must be cleared by 12:00 PM on June 5, 2024 in order to receive the Certificate of Completion during the ceremony.
CULMINATION CERTIFICATES: Unclaimed Certificates of Culmination will be available for pick–up in the Main Office on June 12 through June 14, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.