Rules of Behavior » Rules of Behavior Overview

Rules of Behavior Overview

Be Respectful
  • Respect yourself, your teacher and other students
  • No name calling, no yelling, no profanity
  • Respect and protect school property
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Be Responsible
Dress Code
  • Be in BDC (Byrd Dress Code) at all times
Personal Electronic Devices
  • Cell phones are to turned off & put away during school hours (phones being used may be confiscated)
  • No other electronic gadgets allowed.
Bicycles and skateboards need to be locked in the racks and may not be ridden on campus.
Be on Time to School and to Class. 
No Food or Gum in Class or on PE Field
Students must have Passes When Out of Class
  • No passes issued first and last ten minutes of class
  • Students must have a pass to go to an office & to go to the restroom.