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Magnet Home


2023-24 SBAC Scores for the Byrd STM Magnet

% of students who Exceeds or Meets Standards

ELA = 59%

Mathematics = 54%

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Welcome to the Richard E. Byrd Science, Technology and Mathematics Magnet

An LAUSD Magnet School of Excellence
We will accept 97 students for the 2025-26 school year!
We are proud to offer the only Gifted/High Achievement courses with Highly Accelerated Mathematics at Byrd MS.

We also offer the only double block Accelerated Math courses too.

We can offer your child:
  1. A proven history of academic success
  2. High academic expectations
  3. A wide variety of co-curricular and extra curricular activities
  4. Student access to technology resources
  5. Multiple academic supports
We also offer to regular Common Core Math Pathways to meet the needs of all of our students.
(818) 446-6675 * text messages accepted
Office Line: (818) 394-4338     Para Español: (818) 394-4339
Please leave your name, phone number/email address, and your child's name so that I can best address your question(s).

instagramThe Magnet Office Line is (818) 394-4338 - phone or voicemail

(818)  446-6675 - phone, voicemail, text messages